70 Tips for Cleaning Your House after the Kids are Sick

housecleaningDespite your best efforts to prevent it, your kids will end up sick at some point or another. As unfortunate as this is, it happens to everyone. The key to quickly coming out of this debacle on the other side is keeping the germs from spreading to the rest of the family. Disinfecting the house is one of the best ways to prevent anyone else from contracting the illness, and these 70 blogs are full of tips to clean your house in the event that someone comes down with a sickness that’s easily spread.

How to Sanitize Your Home after Illness

Where do you even start when it comes to cleaning the house after an illness? If you can, open up some windows to get fresh air into your home. This air will not only clear out any strange smells that are lingering, it will also help replenish the stale air with fresh air. Grab some rubber gloves, gather up all of the trash and dump it. Disinfect your trash cans, because they can hold germs for hours and even days depending on the germ. For other tips on cleaning your home after your kids have been sick, read these 10 blogs.

Cleaning Those Forgotten Areas

It’s easy to overlook cleaning some areas of your home; however, those surfaces can hold tons of germs. For instance, the drawers in your refrigerator can hold germs that can make your entire family ill. To avoid this, line them with paper towels. These 10 blogs share tips on how to clean forgotten areas of the home.

How a Decluttered Home Helps after Illness

While you probably try to stay ahead of clutter in your home it can be a never ending battle. If you create routines for yourself to prevent clutter, though, you can keep it under control. In times of illness you may have a friend or loved one come in to help you, but if your home is filled with clutter they won’t know what to do with it all and may end up stacking it or skipping over those surfaces all together. If you don’t have anyone to come help you and you are trying to make sure the house is picked up, you will find that it doesn’t take long at all to clean the house when there’s no clutter. Take a look at these 10 blogs to learn more about decluttering and how it can save you time and energy.

Cleaning the Kitchen to Avoid Foodborne Illness

Foodborne illnesses can make your family really sick. These types of illnesses are typically contracted because of cross contamination in the kitchen or a problem with food preparation. There are ways to prevent foodborne illnesses at home, though. Two easy tricks: keep surfaces clean and be careful to not to use the same knife with raw meat that you do with cooked. These blogs will explain how foodborne illnesses can happen and what you can do to prevent them.

Cleaning Up After Your Child Has Thrown Up

Unfortunately, cleaning up after your child has vomited is part of the parenting gig. It’s not fun, but if you use the tips found in these 10 blogs you will be able to make it bearable. One thing to remember is that you need to clean up the carpet immediately because it may stain the carpet if left to dry. The carpet is not the only place that kids throw up, though, and you’ll find tips for cleaning up any and all spaces in these 10 blogs.

Green Cleaning Products that Work

If you prefer to avoid harsh chemicals when you are cleaning your home there are several alternatives that will work just as well as for killing germs. Vinegar and tea tree are natural solutions that will disinfect surfaces, for example. Take a look at these tips and see if these green cleaning ideas appeal to you.

How to Clean to Prevent Illness

Every time you clean, whether it’s after someone has been sick or not, you are cleaning to prevent illness. However, there’s more to cleaning than just hitting the big areas in the home. These 10 blogs give specific tips on cleaning areas that you might not think about to prevent your family from getting sick.

5 Medications Kids Should Never Take

kidsmedsWhen you pick up a bottle of over-the-counter medication to treat symptoms of an illness in your child, you do so with the belief that anything you can purchase from a pharmacy shelf is probably safe for use. While over-the-counter medications may be marketed to kids, not all of them are actually safe for every child, and some can even cause severe adverse reactions. Despite the rigorous testing involved in the approval process before a drug hits the shelves, there are some medications that simply aren’t safe for young children. Before you reach for a box or a bottle to treat your sick child, make sure that the substance you’re planning to use isn’t one of these dangerous drugs.

  • Aspirin – For adults, aspirin can be a helpful medication. It has fever-reducing and pain-relieving qualities, and can be of assistance in a wide range of situations. For kids under the age of 19, however, aspirin can be the cause of a rare but serious health condition that can be fatal. If your child is suffering from a fever, you may want to treat it with acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but make sure that you’re administering only age-appropriate doses and following the directions carefully. Also, be sure that you look for an “aspirin free” listing on the label of any medicine you purchase over the counter, because some kids’ medications still contain aspirin despite the associated Reye’s Syndrome risk.
  • Cough and Cold Medicines – When your child is suffering, you want to do anything you can to alleviate her pain. While you may seek to treat the symptoms that are causing her discomfort, it’s important to note that the American Academy of Pediatrics specifically warns against using over-the-counter cough and cold medications for toddlers because their research indicates that they don’t actually have an effect on cold symptoms and can even be harmful if a dose is slightly miscalculated. Rapid heart rate, convulsions, hives and even death can result from overuse of a cold medication, so it’s best to contact a physician or pharmacist if your child has a severe cold or cough, rather than attempting to treat it with OTC drugs.
  • Ipecac – Once a staple of the home medicine cabinet, syrup of ipecac has been used in the past to induce vomiting when poisoning is suspected. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend use of this folk remedy, as vomiting has not been shown to be effective in the treatment of poison ingestion cases and can actually cause more harm. If you do have syrup of ipecac on hand, it’s advised that you throw it out and prevent accidental poisoning by locking up potentially harmful substances instead.
  • Medications Meant for Another Age Group – Giving your child a larger dose of medication intended for infants can be just as dangerous as administering a small dose of one intended for an adult, which means that neither practice is safe or recommended. Medications intended for infants are more highly concentrated than most people realize, making it easy to inadvertently over-dose your child with them. Instead, find an age-appropriate treatment or contact a medical professional for advice.
  • Anti-Nausea Medication – In cases of dehydration caused by excessive vomiting, your child’s doctor may recommend an anti-nausea medication or write a prescription for one. Otherwise, you should never administer them to your child. There are risks involved when your child takes any medication, and episodic vomiting is rarely severe enough to warrant taking that risk with your child’s health.

Some of these medications may be recommended by a physician or pediatrician. Generally speaking, this is the only time when it’s safe to administer them to your child. Unless you’re under direct instruction from your child’s primary care physician, it’s just not a good idea to take the risk and administer them to your little one.

5 Reasons You Should Never Spank Your Child

Spanking: Just the word is enough to make some people shudder with the memory of a punishment that went too far. Although fewer children are spanked today than in the past, the practice still persists, despite evidence of the harm it causes. There is … [Continue reading]

How to Keep a Child With Nut Allergies Safe at School

With emerging data from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that food allergies have been on the rise since 1997, more parents than ever are facing the scary prospect of sending their children to schools where contact … [Continue reading]

What to Do If Your Child Has an Asthma Attack at School

If getting a call from the school nurse can be unnerving, hearing that your child just had an asthma attack at school is downright terrifying. This especially holds true if the call marks the first time an asthma attack has ever happened. The only … [Continue reading]

The Risks of Buying Used Car Seats

Even before you bring your newborn home from the hospital, you will be faced with a number of expenses for the requisite baby gear. One effective way of saving money on necessary equipment is to spring for high-quality, gently used items. However, … [Continue reading]